Pre-RhyPiBoMo 2015 Dawn Young

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Pre-RhyPiBoMo 2015

Dawn Young

RhyPiBoMo 2015 Guest Blogger Badge RPBM 15 Dawn Young head shot

Dawn is another close friend of mine who I met last year while preparing for RhyPiBoMo. She joined the Facebook group and we soon found out how much we both love to rhyme. She offered to help with the event and at first I declined her help but soon realized this beast of an event could use another pair of hands.

So, Dawn is our Admin for RhyPiBoMo and Critique Group Coordinator.

(There will be more info about rhyming critique groups coming soon!)

She is so organized, so supportive and really a great friend and I must add…an amazing writer as well!

We are now critique partners and have since met and hugged in person at the SCBWI Conference in Los Angeles last summer. We shortly thereafter rode in an ambulance to the hospital together so I could have emergency hand surgery as I needed she and Tanja both to hold my uninjured hand! Needless to say, we three are bonded in literal blood as we experienced true friendship.

Dawn has worked incredibly hard on what we are about to unveil to you! This was her brainchild and I was more than happy to participate in this rhyming surprise that she has been working on for months!

I know that you will absolutely LOVE it as much as I do!

Thank you Dawn for your friendship and all your dedication to RhyPiBoMo!

So now,

without further ado…

I present Dawn Young’s


Rhyming Surprise!

As writers, we know we’ve chosen a tough business to break into, and unfortunately, we know it’s even tougher to break into if you write in rhyme. No matter how good your rhyme is, and how perfect your meter reads, we know that many editors and agents refrain from rhyme, making those seemingly insurmountable publishing hurdles even higher for rhymers.
And even though I enjoy writing in prose, deep down inside I’m a rhymer, rhymer;) I am determined to scale those extra inches, feet or miles because …

I’m All About That Rhyme!

Dawn Young

musical notes

Follow this link to your RHYMING SURPRISE!





About Dawn:

Dawn Young has a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA. Analytical and mathematically-minded, Dawn worked for years at a large aerospace company, where she read and wrote hundreds of corporate documents, none of which were titled The Little Engineer That Could or Don’t Let The Pigeon Fly the Airbus. After leaving the corporate world, Dawn’s creative spirit called her to a career in writing. When she isn’t doing parodies, she is busy writing, tutoring math and assisting Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen with her KidLit Writing Picture Books A-Z’s courses. You can visit Dawn’s blog at

RhyPiBoMo 2015 tiles with bird

RhyPiBoMo 2015 Optional Writing Prompt

This is NOT part of the pledge. It is an option for a writing exercise for those interested. You will not publically share this as part of RhyPiBoMo but may keep a journal of your writing this month for your own review.


Now, you get to write your own parody about writing in rhyme to the song Yankee Doodle…Here’s a YouTube link to a karaoke version of Yankee Doodle.



I want you to have fun and feel the rhythm! Writing poetry and rhyming picture books requires you to be able to find the rhythm in the pacing and stress of the sounds and syllables of your words. Yankee Doodle has an obvious beat so tap your foot when singing your parody. If your writing has rhythm you should be able to tap your foot along when reading it out loud as well.



RhyPiBoMo Mission Statement

My goal is to guide those aspiring to write rhyme and poetry through the process of learning the craft and offering resources, lessons, writing prompts and the wisdom of experienced folks in the business to improve the reputation and quality of rhyme and poetry for children.


RhyPiBoMo 2015 Bird with Feather


Join the RhyPiBoMo Facebook Group

Type RhyPiBoMo in the search field and request to join.

RhyPiBoMo 2015 Pledge

Please comment below. You MUST add your FIRST and LAST names

to be eligible for today’s prize!

170 thoughts on “Pre-RhyPiBoMo 2015 Dawn Young

  1. Pingback: All About That Rhyme | PBs and writing

  2. What a fantastic video! You and the girls were so entertaining to watch. It was hard to listen to the words of the very upbeat song. My toes were a’ tapping and my fingers were a’ snapping. Thanks for a very uplifting treat.

  3. Rebecca Forester is still dancing in her seat! What a fantastic surprise and kickoff! I’m still singing…I’m so in awe of peeps who can rhyme ~ hoping to learn a lot this month. (I know that I will)

    And props to your wonderful backup dancers and singer! :d

  4. That was awesome Dawn! You go girl. 🙂

    Here are my silly 4 lines that I managed.

    A rhyming poodle sat right down
    Trying to write two verses
    Got stuck on lousy dactyls
    And barked four hundred curses.

  5. Thanks Dawn. You and your co-stars were great! I’ve set the rhyme aside for a while so I’m ready to start again!

  6. Dawn, Thank you for taking the time to make something so fun to share with us! Ready for the challenge! Susan Schade

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