School Visits/Appearances

**Please scroll to bottom for Mrs. Claus information

Angie frequently presents at schools, libraries, bookstores and writing/teacher conferences. She is the IN SCBWI Assistant Regional Advisor and lives in Evansville, Indiana with her husband and four teenage children. Her beloved beagle Gracie and Miniature Dachshund Lucy are her constant assistants.

Her presentations include:

From Rags to Rewards: How to create a platform that works

Regional Publishing: A Great Place to Start!

It’s All About the Rhyme Story!

Rhyming Picture Book Revolution: Writing Great Stories That Happen to Rhyme

Find Your Rhythm: Learning how meter makes the rhyme sing

Clever Book Marketing on a Budget: Ideas for swag, contests, and…how to get them to pay you to sell your book!


The presentations above are for writing conferences and retreats


Castles, Cabins and Barnyards: If You Build it They Will Learn

This presentation is for librarians, early childhood and elementary teachers.


Where The River Grins: The Evansville Story

Writing Children’s Books in my Pajamas: I Have the Best Job in the World!

A Visit from Mrs. Claus: Story time and Q and A session

*see the information below


The three presentations above are for schools and can be focused for any age group.


Mrs. Claus image 1


Would you like to meet Mrs. Claus?

Angie does school visits and

public appearances as Santa’s wife!

EACH 30 minute visit is $75 per group.

A variety of activities are offered that will be focused on your needs:

Optional activities:

  • Angie can read her latest picture book SANTA’S GIFT among other Christmas books. It can be offered for sale at a discounted group rate if interested.


  • Angie talks about how important her job is as Mrs. Claus, keeping Santa jolly, fed and organized. She talks about how she helps care for the elves and the reindeer.


  • Angie discusses kindness and how important it is to treat everyone with respect. She will help the children create a NAUGHTY LIST of what they shouldn’t do all year and a NICE LIST of how they can be kind to others every day.


  • Angie can sing Christmas carols with the group and/or do a seasonal craft.


Your event will be planned according to your needs based on time frame, age and group sizes. She does full and half day school visits.

Santa's Gift postcard back

Groups within 30 miles of Evansville, Indiana will not be required to pay travel expenses.

Groups further than 30 minutes away from Evansville, Indiana will be asked to cover gas mileage, lodging and other travel expenses if necessary.

Please complete the contact form below for pricing information and booking an event.

*The available dates are limited so don’t delay.

Santa's Gift Postcard front



Mrs. Claus barn image

Mrs. Claus by the reindeer barn